So Long 2019! Helloooooo 2020!

I had some plans in 2019 that I didn’t follow through with, but not for lack of planning and trying.

I am so not a procrastinator. So, no, that’s not the reason.

Cancer. That’s the reason. I was diagnosed with cancer back in June. So that threw the last half of my 2019 out the window just a bit.

Although I didn’t market like I wanted to and didn’t get as much genealogy knowledge under my belt as I had hoped, I did accomplish some other quite valuable things.

I gained perspective. On life, people, plans, work.

I learned to put the most important things first. And the most important “things” are people.

I figured out that the best laid plans often go awry. And sometimes it’s to make room for something even better.

I discovered that New Hope Investigations will be there tomorrow. Today, I’m going to play with my son.

Since the latter part of my 2019 was spent at doctor’s offices, undergoing chemo, and slowing down for a big surgery, I’ve decided I’m more than ready for the arrival of 2020.

My plans for 2020, or dare I even speak them aloud?

I hope to market more and continue to develop my knowledge for all things genealogy. I hope to continue producing blogs and maybe even develop my writing further with some new projects. I also hope to remain healthy, enjoy my 40th birthday in Mexico, take my son to Disneyland, and do more kind things for people to show them I care.

Happy new year everybody.